=== Advanced Custom Fields: Typography Field === Contributors: mujahid158 Tags: typography, acf, advanced custom fields, addon, admin, field, custom, custom field, acf typography, acf google fonts, google fonts Requires at least: 3.5.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 3.2.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html A Typography Add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin. == Description == Typography field type for "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin that lets you add different text properties e.g. Font Size, Font Family, Font Color etc. = Supported Subfields = * Font Size * Font Family * Font Weight * Font Style * Font Variant * Font Stretch * Line Height * Letter Spacing * Text Align * Text Color * Text Decoration * Text Transform = Other Features = * Supports Google Fonts. The selected Google Fonts are automatically enqueued on front-end of posts/pages. Google Fonts also work with ACF Options. * Supports Gutenberg Blocks created with ACF. * Option to show/hide each subfield individually * Option to make each subfield required individually * Color Picker for Text Color subfield = Documentation = ` // Returns the value of a specific property get_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] ); // Displays the value of a specific property the_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] ); // Returns the value of a specific property from a sub field. get_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] ); // Displays the value of a specific property from a sub field. the_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] ); ` = Shortcode = `[acf_typography field="field-name" property="font_size" post_id="123" format_value="1"]` = Github repository = [@mujahidi/acf-typography](https://github.com/mujahidi/acf-typography) = Compatibility = This ACF field type is compatible with: * Free and paid versions of the ACF plugin == Installation == 1. Copy the `acf-typography-field` folder into your `wp-content/plugins` folder 2. Activate the Typography plugin via the plugins admin page 3. Google API Key is required for Google Fonts. Please add one by going to `WordPress Admin Dashboard > Settings > ACF Typography Settings` 4. Create a new field via ACF and select the Typography type 5. Please refer to the description for more info regarding the field type settings == Frequently Asked Questions == = Q. Is it compatible with ACF Pro? = A. Yes. This plugin is compatiable with both free and paid ACF plugins. = Q. Does it support Google Fonts? = A. Version 3.0.0 and greater supports Google Fonts = Q. Why I do not see Google Fonts in the Font Family drop down? A. Google API Key is required for Google Fonts. Please add one by going to `WordPress Admin Dashboard > Settings > ACF Typography Settings` = Q. Does it enqueue selected Google Fonts? = A. Yes. This plugin automatically enqueues user selected Google Fonts to front-end of posts/pages. = Q. Does it support Gutenberg Blocks? = A. Yes. This plugin does support Gutenberg Blocks created with ACF. = Q. How can I contribute? = A. Join in on Github repository [@mujahidi/acf-typography](https://github.com/mujahidi/acf-typography) == Screenshots == 1. Typography Field Settings 2. Typography Field Content Editing 3. Google Key Field required for Google Fonts == Upgrade Notice == == Changelog == = 3.2.3 = * Added new font-weight values = 3.2.2 = * Fixed google fonts url too long issue = 3.2.1 = * Fixed typo and bugs = 3.2.0 = * [NEW] Added 'initial' and 'inherit' values for 'font-family' property. * [NEW] Added support for ACF Blocks. * [BUG] Fixed a PHP notice when any post does not have ACF Typography fields setup. = 3.1.0 = * [NEW] Google Fonts support for ACF Options * [BUG] Different font weights were not enqueued when used in a repeater field = 3.0.0 = * [NEW] Introduces functions and shortcode * [NEW] Hides nonselected properties in fieldgroup edit page * [NEW] Supports Google Fonts * [NEW] Enqueue google fonts CSS on page/post = 2.2.0 = * [NEW] Font Stretch subfield = 2.1.0 = * [NEW] Font Variant subfield = 2.0.0 = * [NEW] Now supports ACF 5 (Pro version) = 1.1.1 = * Fixed a bug = 1.1.0 = * [NEW] Text Transform subfield = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release.